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    Project Details

  • Category: ,
  • Client: PP Persero Tbk
  • Location: Kolaka - Indonesia
  • Date: On Going

    Contact Info

  • Gandaria 8 Office Tower 5th Floor
  • +62 290 36 500

Pekerjaan Detail Engineering Design (DED) pada Proyek Pekerjaan Awal Pembangunan Pabrik Peleburan (Smelter) Feronikel

Scope of Work :

PT Reka Patria Ekaguna will provide Detail Engineering Design (DED) services for PT PP (Persero) Div. EPC for Proyek Pekerjaan Awal Pembangunan Pabrik Peleburan (Smelter) Feronikel, at Kolaka, for the area under the responsibility of PT PP (Persero).
The DED will involve all related engineering disciplines (i.e. Process and Process Safety, Piping and Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Structural, and Architectural). The DED is including 3D modeling development utilizing AVEVA PDMS software.